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You Can't Be Shamed For Being A Single Mother If You Refuse To Birth The Men Who Shame You

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You Can't Be Shamed For Being A Single Mother If You Refuse To Birth The Men Who Shame You


"Unlike the men who insist on complaining about the same situations they create I am a solution-based woman, and as a representation of the feminine universe who will use war, death, famine, natural disaster, and other atrocities to get what she wants I am not afraid to present solutions that may appear extreme. So it leads me to ask, since these wayward sons are so damn angry at women who supposedly can’t keep a man or father around, would these men rather not have been born in the first place?

Would they prefer women to simply get abortions if these ladies have proof that a man is going to abandon them and the families their sperm helped to create? Because whining and moaning about a situation their absence, and the absence of millions of men internationally, contributes to doesn’t help anyone."

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One single gem, or article, of wisdom by Sanni Lark. For recurring mental treasures join the Evil Single Woman coven

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