Stop Suffering & Trauma Bonding With The Have-Nots. You Help Them By Having Shit!
"Fake-ass morals that were given to us by people that have given up on themselves and any potential they may have had of using their creative energy to enjoy their existence creep their way into our womanhood and its potential in very subtle ways. One of those ways involves feeling guilty for having desires and goals that are superficial and do not solve the problems other people have. At least not directly; the only real problem all humans share is that they do not trust their desires or the things that bring them joy and pleasure because they feel obligated to trauma bond with other struggling humans.
Most of us are brainwashed into believing that we are not deserving of a beautiful existence, all because other people are not living it. So if they cannot achieve this, neither should we. Right?"
One single gem, or article, of wisdom by Sanni Lark. For recurring mental treasures join the Evil Single Woman coven